3 Simple Ways For Entrepreneurs to Reduce Stress

Apr 11, 2016 | Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship can be one of the most exciting journeys out there. But let’s face it: there are times where you’ll feel overwhelmed and stressed.

That being said, there are still some ways for entrepreneurs to reduce stress, and stay productive and happy in the face of it all. Here are some tips for staying calm, cool, and on track:

Believe in yourself

When it seems like everything is going wrong, it’s easy to play the blame game with yourself, and start doubting those abilities and skills that got you so far already.

Steve Jobs had the right idea. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.”

When this self-doubt creeps up during a crazy day, it can snowball into a negative and unproductive attitude. You can avoid this by realizing everybody has their off-days, and then reflecting on truly fantastic person you are. One easy way to do this is by writing down some of the great accomplishments you’ve made recently. There are many ways for entrepreneurs to reduce stress by believing in themselves, and you can start doing this today.

Get sweaty

Along with a glut of other benefits, exercise has been scientifically proven to zap away stress hormones. Even Michelle Obama has been quoted saying exercise is “therapeutic” during times of stress. Even if you don’t have time for a full workout during an overwhelming day, a quick jog or walk can prove immensely beneficial, and is one of the easiest ways for entrepreneurs to reduce stress.

Dive into it

One of the most counterintuitive ways for entrepreneurs to reduce stress is to dive headfirst into what’s bothering them.

Jeff Bezos wisely said “Stress primarily comes from not taking action over something that you can have some control over…I find as soon as I identify it, and make the first phone call, or send the first email…it dramatically reduces any stress that might come from it.”

You can do the same, and take your mind of the stress by tackling small chunks of a project one by one.

If you enjoyed these tips, check out my weekly column at Inc. for more. Have any tips of your own to reduce stress? I would love to hear from you!

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